Thursday, June 27, 2013


Teaching in Ms.Hood math class

Stages of Development

Learning the different stages of development.


Kiara, Rachel, Kashawn, and I presenting Erik Erikson's Psychological Stages of Development

Reflection 6: Observing at Northwest

Cre’Shawn Owens

When I was observing at Northwest. I noticed that it was a summer school class. The student’s that were in summer school was behind mainly because, they had a disability. Although, some students were there because, they were always getting in trouble and misbehaving in class during the school year. Most of them couldn’t really stay focus because they were too busy playing, talking, and being disrespectful. While Ms. Hood was teaching, she always stayed calm, she never got loud with them. I noticed that they had to learn something new everyday, and take a test everyday. Most of the kids didn’t understand what she was teaching, they didn’t catch on very fast.

Most of the students didn’t ask questions, they just put their heads down. When it was time to take the test Ms. Hood helped them a lot, because she wanted to see them pass  and be successful. In my mind, I wished that some of the teachers at Washington did that method instead of just giving a test. That method kind of helped a lot of students.

Reflection 9 : Immigration

As a teacher, immigration and education should impact you as a teacher. Simply, because you’re just not a teacher in this day in age, you're a supporter. Sometimes there are children who are going through a lot at home and that affects the way they act at school. That's one reason why it is so important to get to know your students, and who they are as a person. Not only to be nosey, but to have a better understanding from the child's point of view. Today I learned that some kids that are about to graduate high school are just now finding out that they are undocumented, which means their illegal. That's really not fair because, the illegal student been here almost all their life and they been working so hard in school. Then they have all this opportunities in front of them, but they can't even take advantage of that because they are undocumented. 

Reflection 5: Teaching Experience

Cre’Shawn Owens

We were on our way to F.L. Schlagle Library for the second time. This time we were going to teach a group of twelve that were around the age of 5 years old. I statrted to get a little nervous as we got closer to the building. The reason I was scared because, I didn’t know exactly how to interact with them. As we were walking in the building I started feeling more positive about our Lesson Plan that we created. Especially when they gave us a tour and showed us where everything was at again.

When the kids came in, the first thing they did was put up their book bags and other things in their own crates. Then they sat at the table and started coloring birds. I noticed that the students already knew about some of the birds and knew the names of the birds too. These kids compared to the kids at Mcdaniel. The kids at F.L. Schlagle Library was much more faster than the students at Mcdaniel. I also noticed that the students were at the stage of “Industry vs. Inferiority”. This means that the students are at school needing to cope with new social and academic demands. The next activity we did was go on a hike and teach them about decomposition. Rachel and Kashawn led the hike. While we were walking the kids were picking up different bugs and insects to put into a container. When were close to the end of the hike, one of the kids found a turtle. Then one of the instructors picked it up and the kids wanted to see if it was boy or a girl, so we had to wait until the turtle took his head out of his shell. At the end of the hike we told all the kids to let out all the bugs out of the container, because the bugs are the ones who decompose the trees and other things in the woods.

The next activity we did was reading aloud. I led the reading part of the lesson. The book I read was called: “ Under One Rock, Bugs Slugs and Other Ughs”. While reading I asked them questions about the things that they see and what do they think was under the rock. I noticed that some kids were really interested in the book and some were saying things like, “when is this book over, and I’m ready to do something else”. I was really nervous while I was reading, because I thought the kids were going to ask me questions, that I didn’t have an answer to. Next, the kids ate dirt and worms, which were chocolate and oreos and gummy worms for their snack. The last activity we did was mud painting. Kiara led mud painting. It was very creative, and it seemed like they were actually having fun. I noticed that the girls were much more comftorable to play in the dirt than the boys were. I think overall, we did really good with our lesson plan.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013